OKBS72339 Wheels for Pz.V Panther, with 16 bolts

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OKBS72339   Wheels for Pz.V Panther, with 16 bolts (thumb37034)
OKBS72339   Wheels for Pz.V Panther, with 16 bolts (attach1 37034)OKBS72339   Wheels for Pz.V Panther, with 16 bolts (attach2 37034)

OKBS72339 Wheels for Pz.V Panther, with 16 bolts

2151 руб.

масштаб 1/72

Производители: .
ОКБ Григоров
MAKSSHOP все для любителя 1/72 в наличии и под заказ
460 руб.1 item